Analysis Meeting




- Organization: we planned to have 2 meeting per month. We opened a doodle to select the best day

- List of possible analyses (EEE and Polar) -> we are looking for analyzers…

- Some instruction to retrive data...

Marcello on Rate vs Latitude (models)

- expected rates consistent with the one we measured

- cut-off expected around 50 degrees: to be checked in our measurement

- rate can change with time (long time scale --> 1 year) due to solar activity -> check if this is taken into account in our data

Paola on Long Distance Correlations:

- 4 people now involved in the analysis

- new data set available from Jan21 (with additional infos and with extended time range, from 2015-2020)

- new results consistent with previous ones

- several checks and different way to show the excess in our data (Distance > 5 km) for delta_t < 10^-4 (best signal = 19 ± 9)

- signal vs background: similar distributions for: telescope_pair_id, theta_rel, telescope_distance, ...

- what next: have a look to the new infos (detailed track information) for candidate events

Francesco on Rate vs Latitude (measurement)

- evaluation of systematic uncertainties started

- some missing checks to be done

- effect of the material when telescope acquired data inside a car --> to be evaluated as soon as possible

- rate can change with time (long time scale --> 1 year) due to solar activity -> check if this is taken into account in our data

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